The Gift of Social Gift to Me (And My Gen)

deepan dasgupta
2 min readJan 15, 2023


Ultimately, your social media success will be driven by the curation of real and attention-grabbing content that will make people want to read more. And creating that type of content is a matter of trial and error. So, spend time thinking about what your followers might want to see… Read it with, ‘But how do we know what is and what is not acceptable? And if your current behavior is not acceptable, what can you do to fix it? Of course, the first and most important rule of thumb is to be careful with what you post online… “Post it with Purpose”.

From ‘Summary by Alyssa Burnet’ of The Art of Social Media by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick (First published in 2014).

I belong to a generation which saw social media unfold itself, fill in the gaps where Print, Radio and Television (Audio-Visual) failed, yet utilize and assimilate the Five Senses to create an outreach that was not restricted by Time or human capabilities. ‘Intuitive-ness’ too became a reality. My generation was not born in social media but saw its birth, we are more used to Print, Radio and Television. Therefore, the above Summary is a realization. I don’t have to feel I lag behind the generation born after me anymore, and making errors is just a journey to the Eureka! moment. Our generation created content in the hope that the audience will accept, or won’t, and that journey was a matter of Time. So was our ability to adapt to change. With social-media content, that process is speedier, so is accepting change. Creativity is no more a matter of Time but willingness to constantly Learn and Evolve. And accept.



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